The 32th Red Rock Lecture Series named the Political Declaration and Action Program for Advancing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation Comprehensively was held online on 21th Oct.2022. In the lecture, Prof. Xin Xiangyang analyzed and interpreted the report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC as follow:
Firstly, he deeply explained the work our Party has accomplished in the past five years from "Extremely Unusual and Extroordinary" points(From the original report text attached at the end of this article), and deeply discussed the great changes and achievements of the new era in the past ten years.
Secondly, starting from the "Six Persistences"(From the original report text), Professor Xin explained the basic views and scientific methods of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the world outlook and methodology of which have innovated and developed the Marxism.
Thirdly,as for "Advancing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation with Chinese-style modernization",Prof. Xin interpreted the distinctive characteristics and essential requirements of Chinese modernization, and emphasized that Chinese modernization is the socialist modernization under the leadership of the CPC, which is not only endowed with the common characteristics of the modernization of all countries, but also the Chinese characteristics based on our own national conditions.
What’s more, with regard to "Leading a Great Social Revolution with a Great Self-revolution",he emphasized that comprehensive and strict Party governance is always on the way, and the same goes for the Party's self-revolution.

In the end, Prof. Xin called on everyone to study the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC seriously and draw nourishment and strength from the 100-year history of the Party.Later, Prof. Lv Jin expressed his cordial gratitude to Prof. Xin for his wonderful explanation and systematic review from the perspective of the theoretical innovation of the 20th National Congress of the CPC due to his profound theoretical foundation,which made the audience benefit a lot.Majoring in Marxist theory, all of the graduate students in our school should actively practice the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC with higher political stance and stronger responsibility in the future.

By Wu Baoqian, Cao Haojie
Photo by Cao Haojie
Copyedited by Zhou Lingyu