Sun Weiping, Ph.D. in Philosophy, is a Distinguished Weichang Scholar Professor at Shanghai University and a Professor at the School of Marxism,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where he also serves as a doctoral advisor. He previously held positions as Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal "World Philosophy".He serves asVice President of the Chinese Association for Dialectical Materialism and Chairman of the Value Philosophy Professional Committeeand he isalso avisiting professor at institutions such as Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. His primary research areas are axiology and philosophy of intelligence. He has led two major projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation and has published 15 monographs, 25 co-authored books, 12 edited volumes, and 2 translated works. He has also authored and translated over 300 papers and articles in journals and newspapers such as "Chinese Social Sciences", "Qiushi", "Philosophical Research", and "People's Daily".